New Year, New Start…

First of all, I have to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 is definitely going to be one to remember…

This year is pretty much the start of my life. I will graduate from Uni in July and then its all new to me from there. My resolutions this year include; win back my boyfriend’s trust, become happy with my body and GET A JOB!

Now, it looks as if these are all going to be almost impossible. My boyfriend’s trust is not easy to find and has not improved much over the last year, even though I have been nothing but good to him! But, hopefully I will be able to move in with him after Uni and that might sort it out.

Becoming happy with my body shouldn’t be the hardest thing. Notice I put body and not weight; my weight seems to be strangely high for the actual size of me and somehow I am 2 stone heavier than my own boyfriend even though he is considerably taller than me! So I don’t care about my weight at all, just what I look like. I’m not at all fat and most people would tut at me if they knew I wasn’t happy with the way I look. I put on around 2 stone while at Uni, and it would be nice to drop a bit. I just want to have my perfect beach body back that I had before Uni, instead of this more wobbly curvier version of me. I shouldn’t complain but I would like to look thinner than I do at the moment just to make me happy – so that’s the plan!

Getting a job – this is, so far, looking to be rather difficult. My plans to get onto a Graduate Scheme in HR is becoming more and more bleak the more rejections I get. Still have about 5 to go though. If not, I’m hoping to get a normal job that will pay the rent and then I can always reapply next year.

So, those are the resolutions so far, hopefully yours are looking more probable than mine at the moment!

Wish me luck to my new start in the real world…

Pretty Girl x

About Pretty Girl

I'm a 20 year old girl from London. Love to blog about sex, boyfriends and typical girl stuff with the occasional article which will be sure to surprise you. Hope you enjoy my blog :) Please follow me!

6 responses to “New Year, New Start…

  1. Mistress Mummy

    Good luck! I hope you make a great new start to the year

  2. Good luck with 2012. Just a thought about going into HR. From personal experience, each HR department that I have seen in the corporations I have worked with is a cess pool of depression. It seems HR is one of those departments people end up in when they have reached the bottom of the Corporate ladder and when the axe falls on jobs, HR always gets cleaned out. Set your sights on something you will enjoy, from your writing style I think you are definitely worth more than a position in a UK HR dept. (just a thought).

    • Thanks very much for that 🙂 I’m at a bit of a dead end with my life at the moment – I just can’t decide what I want to do and managed to land on HR. If I ever do get a job though, it will be the sort of thing I could drop out of easily if I didn’t enjoy it.
      I do love to hear different opinions on these jobs because it really does help me out so I really appreciate your comment. I just wish it was easy to know what to do and do it! But we will see what happens…
      If you have any ideas of things I might enjoy, do let me know! It’s just hard to know what there is to choose from with so little experience in the real world. Too hard 😦
      Pretty Girl x

      • This starts an interesting trail 🙂 The established belief that you need to find a ‘job’ to build experience and demonstrate some type of competency is beginning to fade as ecomomies morph and scale around information. Can I suggest that you begin to think about what you love, what really will get you out of bed every morning with a huge smile, what will bring you a bucket of self satisfaction and through that self confidence. It has taken me a long time to begin to understand that money is all around, it is primarily a mindset and if you do something that you really love and you become very good at that, money will always come to you. If I can make one suggestion, get out of the UK as soon as you have the opportunity and get out into the world. If you do that with an open mind, opportunities will come at you from directions you would never think of. I can share this with you from having travelled all my life and knowing where that has led. It is however only a personal viewpoint. Good luck 🙂

  3. I’m not really the travelling type. Holidays – yes! More than a month – nooooo! I love the UK and I cannot see myself living outside of London when I have kids etc. I will definitely keep an open mind and take opportunities as they come 🙂 I will try and think about a job that I would love and will definitely go after anything I think of. Thanks for the advice again! x

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